New Year, Same Me.

Last year was one of growth, a year to get in touch with my emotions and oh boy, did I do that. A lot of highs and a LOT of lows which I'm sure everyone can relate to. I was talking with my Mam the other day about what we hope to come of 2022 and what defining word we would like to work towards. I was trying so hard to find the right word, I pondered for a while and decided on the word 'building'. The word didn't appeal to me at first, it feels a bit hardened and cold, it reminded me of construction sites. Of course, I googled synonyms but nothing felt the same, so building is my word. I'd like to build relationships, build my business, build my confidence, build my bank account, build my craft and the list goes on... Now I've said the word 'build' so many times I'm starting to doubt if its a real word at all.
January 1st feels like it holds a lot of pressure, a pressure to change and be better. Yet, I don't want to go into the new year making a lot of promises to myself which I can't sustain for more than a few weeks, it will only lead me to feeling like I've let myself down. What I can do is try my best to build new habits one day at a time. I've learned change doesn't happen overnight, as the old saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day". Change happens when you commit day after day to being a better version of you, you only realise this when you look back and can see how different you have become over time. Even though the year has changed, I am the same person I was a few days ago on the 31st December and will inevitably evolve into upgraded versions of the same Faye in months or years to come. This idea brings me a lot of comfort and takes away the pressure of the new year resolutions, as long as I try my best everyday I will become the person I strive to be.
So, I hope you take some pressure off this new year and make those small daily changes which matter. Happy New Year!