Pick Me Up Postcard Club
A Monthly Hug Through Your Letterbox
Hey my lovely! I'm so excited to share this concept with you...
Have you ever wished you could own one of my paintings, but haven't quite found the right time? I hear you, and that's exactly why I created this postcard subscription, to bring a little piece of my art journey into your everyday world.
Why I Created This:
Honestly? I've been reading messages from so many of you who connect deeply with my work and I want to offer something you can look forward to every single month.
These postcards are my way of saying: you deserve beautiful things in your life. You deserve little moments of connection and inspiration. And sometimes, the smallest treasures carry the most powerful magic.
Pin it above your desk when work feels overwhelming. Prop it on your nightstand as a reminder of your worth. Tuck it into your journal on difficult days. Or simply collect them as your own private gallery.
What Will Land On Your Doormat Each Month:
Each month, I'll personally select an artwork, turn it into a gorgeous A6 postcard, and send it directly to you with:
- An affirmation to remind you of your innate power & beauty
- My personal note about what inspired the artwork (the kinds of stories I usually only share in the gallery)
- My signature, because this tiny art journey between us matters
The Quarterly "Thank You" Raffle:
Every three months, I'll draw one subscriber's name to receive an original piece of my artwork. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this journey with me.
- Your subscription automatically enters you each quarter
- The longer you're with me, the more chances you have to win
- I announce the winner personally in our private WhatsApp group you will be invited to upon subscription
The Details:
£10 per month
This isn't just about postcards. It's about creating a circle of kindred spirits who find meaning in the same colours, textures, and emotions that move me. I'm looking forward to connecting with you in this new way!
With gratitude and excitement, Faye x
Your postcard will be approx A6 in size but may vary depending on the design and will be printed on high quality card stock.
The cut off for new subscribers is the 6th of each month and postcards ship on the 13th of each month.
Your order will be sent via Royal Mail.
Your payment will be charged on the same day every month from the account you initially subscribe with. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Raffle winners will be announced:
- 6th June 2025
-6th September 2025
-6th December 2025
Winners will be announced in out private WhatApp group you will be invited to upon subscription. The winners will also be contacted directly via email.
If your name is drawn in the raffle, you will receive a small/medium size original painting. Faye will make the painting specifically for the raffle, these paintings will not be listed for sale by Faye prior to the raffle or open to the public.