Faye's Inspiration

Hey, I'm Faye, an artist whose work is inspired by nostalgia, romance, and longing. I usually draw inspiration from my own experiences, capturing the essence of emotions I've felt and memories that are ingrained into my brain.

In my artwork, I reflect on times gone by, conjuring up a longing for what once was or what could have been. My art becomes a bridge that connects us all to our own personal journeys, evoking emotions and remembering cherished memories.


My Story

I've always been the baby of my family, the younger sister and the youngest granddaughter of four girls, so I'd like to think that has shaped me in some way. I've always been a very sensitive soul despite my sister's many attempts to toughen me up as kids, sorry Millie.

I can remember being a teenager was tough for me, trying to navigate new emotions and a deep longing for connection, it's been very clear throughout my life that I carry the world with me. There are some days that the weight of the world sits on my chest and there are days I feel all the joy this life has to offer. I put this down to being an empath which allows me to create great art from a place of emotion.

My obsession with art began when I was around 14, I still have all my sketchbooks from growing up which is so special. I would stay awake throughout the night to finish drawings, I would get wrong in class for daydreaming and doodling, I would draw tattoos on myself with pen.

My first commission came from my grandparents when I was 15, they really loved that I could draw. My nana and grandar took the drawing of a 1920's woman I had created to get professionally framed, with my grandar boasting to the framer that his 15 year-old granddaughter had made it for him. My nana still has it up in her living room today. Their support of my work honestly means the world to me, as well as my parents.

I studied Fashion Communication at university after a wild ride of dropping out then going back, the less we talk about that period of time the better (but you will see it in my art.) I graduated with a first class honours degree and set up my art business within my second year. I started by selling prints from my bedroom when I was 20.

When I met my partner, Loui, I was 19 and my whole life changed. I found passion, confidence and creativity in excess amounts. Loui is a music producer and DJ who goes by the name Sorley. We travel the world together as he plays gigs far and wide. We inspire eachother daily which I'm so grateful for. His love is my greatest muse.